Terms & Conditions of Service

In-Persons & Online Lessons

The following Terms and Conditions of Erick Gerber Guitar Lessons apply to all education-based services provided by the guitar teacher (hereinafter referred to as the “Teacher”). The Agreement is between the Teacher and the person responsible for the guitar student’s account, identified hereinafter as the “Client”.

Guitar Lessons

  • Guitar lessons occur once every week for the allocated lesson length selected by the Client (either 30, 45, or 60 minutes per lesson).
  • The recurring day & time of the guitar lessons must be agreed to in writing by both parties

  • The guitar lessons shall occur weekly on the same day and time until the Client or Teacher specifically requests, in writing, for the lesson day and time to change and is approved by the other party.

  • Guitar lessons occur throughout the year, even throughout school holidays.

  • There will be no guitar lesson on a particular week where the guitar lesson falls on an official New Zealand public holiday. This includes public holidays specific to the Northland region.

  • There will be no guitar lessons for three weeks during the festive season (usually the last 2 weeks of December and the first week of January). The exact dates are to be confirmed by the Teacher in writing each year.

  • During the festive season period, the subscription payments will remain unchanged and will be deducted as per usual. (The months containing 5 weeks throughout the year will make up for the 3 lessons lost during this period.)


  • The Client agrees to a subscription-based payment and gives the Teacher consent to deduct the payment (as per the agreed amount found at: https://www.erickgerber.com/services/lessons/inpersonlessons for in-person or https://www.erickgerber.com/services/lessons/onlinelessons for online lessons) from the Client’s selected payment method on the same day of each month.

  • The payment deduction day of the month is determined by the day of the month in which the Client first starts a subscription. (E.g. if a Client starts a subscription on the 3rd day of any given month, subsequent payments will be on the 3rd day of each subsequent month to follow.)
  • Payments are made for the month ahead. (E.g. if a Client subscribes on the 28th of January, then February’s guitar lessons shall be paid on the 28th of January in advance, March’s guitar lessons shall be paid on the 28th of February in advance, etc.)

  • The Teacher shall keep deducting payments until the Client officially discontinues their subscription. Subscriptions can be managed by clicking here.

  • Once a subscription has been discontinued, the Teacher will be liable to carry out guitar lessons for the remainder of the current month (or the month paid for in advance).

  • The Client may discontinue their subscription at any time without prior notice, except during the four weeks leading up to the aforementioned festive season period. During this period, 2 months’ notice must be given.

  • The Client may pause their subscription at any time without prior notice, except during the aforementioned festive season period as well as the four weeks leading up to it.

    • Pausing a subscription gives the client a “payment break” and is a convenient option if the student will be unable to attend guitar lessons for a long period of time such as 4 weeks.

    • The Client may not pause a subscription for longer than 2 consecutive months. After 2 months of pausing, the subscription will be considered discontinued.

    • The Client may pause a subscription for no more than 2 instances within a given year, so as to avoid the abuse of this courteous option.

  • All payments are made in NZD (New Zealand Dollars).

  • Guitar lessons shall not commence until the teacher has received the appropriate payment confirmation.
  • If any payment by the Client is unsuccessful, it will be treated as a paused subscription. Lessons will resume once the Teacher has received another payment.

Lesson Cancellations

  • If the student cannot attend any given week’s guitar lesson for any reason, more than 7 calendar days’ notice must be given by the Client to the Teacher. Genuine medical emergencies, nationwide emergencies, region-wide emergencies, or natural disasters are exceptions to this rule.

  • If the Client fails to notify the Teacher of non-attendance less than 7 calendar days in advance, the Client shall not be entitled to a make-up lesson nor a refund nor any credit of the lesson.

  • If the lesson cancellation notice is less than 7 calendar days, the Teacher may, at his sole discretion, choose to arrange a catch-up lesson with the student.

  • If a lesson cancellation notice is given more than 7 calendar days in advance, the Teacher is required to either arrange a catch-up lesson with the student or to partially refund the Client if no catch-up lesson was possible. The refund amount shall be equal to the value of 1 guitar lesson (e.g. $37.50 refundable per lesson for 30-minute lessons).

  • If the Teacher cancels a lesson, the above point also applies.

By selecting “I accept the Terms & Conditions of using this service” on any of the Application Forms found at the URLs below, the Client hereby agrees to these Terms & Conditions of Service.

Have Any Questions About These Terms & Conditions?

Feel free to contact me using the form below and ask any questions.

Phone & WhatsApp:

(+64) 22 522 1875



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